Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
ASM PRITHVI SMC superfine |
30 |
BRAMHA superfine |
30 |
CAPTAIN superfine +man |
3 |
CEMENT AMBUJA superfine |
19 |
CHAVI superfine +key |
32 |
COW superfine maida +cow |
30 |
FEATHERZ superfine suitings |
24 |
GATEWAY OF INDIA superfine |
16 |
GLOBE superfine |
16 |
HARRY WINSTON superfine |
24 |
LORENZO D'ITALIA superfine |
24 |
MARSHAL superfine |
25 |
MOULANA superfine +oval |
24 |
MRG marwar superfine qualit |
30 |
NAWAB superfine +face |
30 |
OMESH superfine |
12 |
PINNACLE superfine +kite |
30 |
SEVAK superfine sabu |
3 |
SF superfine |
22 |
SHEMO superfine |
12 |
SHIELD superfine suiting |
24 |
SONA superfine atta |
29, 30 |
SPECTRUM superfine |
2 |
SWEETY tasty superfine +dol |
30 |
TEXTURA roller superfine |
19 |
ZUARI superfine |
19 |
kitchen KING superfine atta |
29, 30 |
tasty superfine poha +girl |
30 |
uttam superfine atta |
30 |
AREAL superfinesalt +flower |
30 |
superfix +arrows |
1 |
superfix SL +container |
1 |
STUDIO-29 superflat tv |
9 |
NIHAO superflo |
6 |
S superflo |
11 |
S superflo inside +triangle |
11 |
SAIL superform +squares |
6 |
s superfuse |
9 |
RAJ supergear |
4 |
supergems +flower |
16 |
QUICKFIX superglue |
16 |
VIJAY GOLD supergrade cemen |
19 |
supergrip +plants container |
1 |
HARTEX-supergrip +lion |
12 |
RELIANCE supergros |
42 |
POWERCON superheat +circle |
11 |
superhits ZAPATA |
9 |
RED fm superhits top 30 |
38 |
orchestra superhits ZAPATA |
16 |
doctor's superia HDFC BANK |
16 |
doctor's superia HDFC bank |
36 |
TIGER UJALA superier +lion |
3 |
superieure VANDOREN |
15 |
CI superindia |
25 |
superior 1111 white +man |
2 |
superior ALCAZAR |
32 |
superior GLOBAL |
42 |
superior KUIL |
23 |
superior LA PAZ |
24 |
superior MARIENFELD +square |
9, 10, 21 |
superior OLD MONK +man |
33 |
superior REX |
12 |
superior ROYS masala |
30 |
superior SANSAR +globe |
24 |
superior TWO-tex |
24 |
superior lamp +lamp |
34 |
superior quality +globe |
24 |
555 superior quality +squar |
30 |
AMBICA superior in tamil |
3 |
AMBIKA superior +circle |
3 |
ARIISTO always superior |
36, 37, 42 |
BALMEROL gold superior sh 2 |
4 |
BELLA superior |
24 |
BLACK LABEL superior xxx ru |
33 |
CANNON superior +canon |
30 |
DINO'S superior |
30 |
DIPWELL the superior qualit |
11 |
G.R.R. superior |
17 |
GOODWILL DURBAR superior te |
30 |
GREEN STAR superior +stars |
30 |
HOYSALA superior +cat |
34 |
INFRACEM superior cement |
19 |
KB superior +star & oval |
16 |
KINGFISHER superior beer |
32 |
KRI JAY superior KEOLA |
17 |
MEERA superior +woman |
14 |
MODULAX s superior |
7 |
MPEG 4 superior technology |
9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 38, 41, 42 |
NO.1 V.S.Q. rare superior |
33 |
OT OLD TIMER superior +man |
33 |
P & PEC oem superior |
7 |
PARRY'S superior toffee |
30 |
29 |
R.K. & CO. BINA superior |
24 |
RANI superior |
30 |
RIEVERA superior +clouds ha |
2 |
ROLE MODEL superior dark ru |
33 |
RR superior quality |
24 |
S. OLIVER superior |
3, 6, 35 |
SEHGAL & CO. superior |
12 |